My New Normal
These last three months have been very different than any previous Springtime. In my life, I never thought that I would experience a compelling drive to move from my usual creative energy of making leather handbags and belts into a new process of personal health items.
Our world has turned in a dramatically new direction dictated by the Covid 19 pandemic.
In the Arts, and specifically all art shows, exhibits and sales have come to a jolting halt. Artfest (Toronto and Kingston) have been canceled preventing me from meeting, greeting and showing my leather creations for 2020.

As a leather artisan for more than 35 years, Spring has always been a busy time for gathering new items for the next show. Now I have changed my work time into making non-medical grade masks for public use. I feel the need to aid others with good practices to “Stay Safe and Stay Healthy”. I see my mask making as a necessary part of the future to contribute to everyone’s well being.
Wow, it’s June already! Masks are now considered part of the everyday wardrobe. I have masks of 15+ different fabric patterns on my website.
FYI…since 2008 I have supplied leather belts and medical device holsters for paramedics. Many graduating paramedic students ordered their equipment earlier than normal this year to become First Responders . . . also part of the New Normal.
The moose and I look forward to hearing your thoughts…